Shield of lion 3-5k
oaken Aegis 2-3k
other shield pretty much for merchant except the 30hp mods which can go for 3k itself
Fellblade 15-25k
Razorcalw scythe common skin 1-3k for some one who wants one But +1-1e mod in it worth 5k around too bad its 19%enchant if it was 20% enchant would also worth 4-5k.
Steel daggers has 3 different skin common to rare one. common one worth nothing rare one might get 3-5k out of it, check out the skin in gw wiki.
Greater Gaurdian spear i have seen going for 10-15k 20% mod in spear worth 2k itself.
Mursaat hammer is a rare skin although many people don't want hammers. they use to be 35k now days around 8-10k if you sell it
Agree with above post, save for the spear mods: 20% ench is 5-8k (all the cool kids nowadays use spears for caster weps), 30hp is 6-8k, 10% adrenal mod is ~15k (imbas need is badly, and with DoASC glaiveway its price is really up).